Krokos Kozanis - Saffron Cooperative

"Saffron, the GOLD OF GREEK EARTH as it is called, was among the most popular and valuable spices of ancient civilizations, for its flavor, color, pharmaceutical and aphrodisiac properties. 

A precious spice and the best saffron quality in the world that has significant antioxidant properties, contributing to good health and well-being, while enhancing the taste and color to many dishes, desserts, and beverages. An indulgent match of hand-picked mountain herbs pleasing floral scents in a unique combination"

Saffron Cooperative - Founded in 1971

Consists of 1,000 members and has the exclusive right to collect, pack and distribute Kozani saffron.

The founding of the Cooperative created a body that has the complete responsibility of collecting, processing, packing and distributing the product in order to ensure its quality

Krokos blossoms once a year

Flowers are harvested daily, right after the morning dew has evaporated, at its highest antioxidant potency. The Petals are separated by hand from the stigmas immediately after being picked, followed by a careful drying process, ensuring it remains at its highest potency.

150,000 blooms hand-picked by the villagers during the harvest yield only 1kg of Krokos stigmas! A painstaking process, making saffron the worlds most valuable spice.

Protected Designation of Origin

Greek Red Saffron
(Krokos) is of the highest quality.
The soil along with the climatic
conditions of the area and the
techniques used during cultivation
and harvest classify it as a PDO

Color Potency

Kozani Saffron Crocin analysis test ranges from 230-250, on the saffron grading scale which ranges from 80 to 250

Aroma & Flavor

Pirocrocine and Safranal analysis test classifies Krokos Kozani as category 1 saffron. Krokos Kozani Greek saffron belongs to the highest quality of saffron in the world.